Fablabs Erasmus

Aalto Fablab | Aalto, Finland

Aalto Fablab invites many kinds of users and doers. However the students of Aalto University do occupy the machines, tools and spaces mostly, more and more users are coming outside the university. Aalto

Warsztaty Kultury w Lublinie | Lublin, Poland

Workshops of Culture is a municipal cultural institution of Lublin, Poland. Our programming focuses on promoting the practice of “active culture”. We create culture: modern, interactive, interdisciplinary and innovative. Everyday application of modern

Transnational Project Meetings

Within the project we have planned 6 meetings between project partners. Due to Covid-19 pandemic we had to change most of the originally planned dates and the actual timetable is as follows: TPM1:

FABLABs project results

Project tangible results include the publication on good practices from the European cooperation and the evaluation questionnaire form addressed to adult learners/FabLab users. PROJECT PUBLICATION"FABLABs - new technologies in adult education


The project was focused on the following activities:6 Transnational Project Meetings (TPMs) in each participating country (Finland, France, Iceland, Poland x2 and Portugal)joint partners' work on the project publication about FabLabs