"FABLABs – new technologies in adult education" is a Strategic Partnership in the field of Adult Education. The project has been funded with support from the European Commission - Erasmus+ Programme.
The project lasted for 34 months (01.11.2019 - 31.08.2022) and gathered 6 partners:
- Workshops of Culture (Lublin, Poland) - project coordinator
- Cooperative Artefacts (Orléans, France)
- Buinho Associação (Messejana, Portugal)
- Aalto Fablab (Espoo, Finland)
- Fab Lab Reykjavík (Reykjavík, Iceland)
- Robisz.to Association (Warsaw, Poland)
The general aim of the project was to recognize and share good practices in providing education on new technologies to adult learners using a FabLab concept of work.
The specific objectives:
- to exchange experiences and good practices between organisations from various European countries, functioning as fablabs/medialabs/makerspaces, in the field of teaching adults new technologies;
- to exchange know-how in the field of teaching methodology (education methods and practices) of new technologies;
- to investigate the way to apply a fablab concept to adult education;
- professional development of people working in fablabs – strengthening their skills and competences as adult educators;
- strengthening cooperation and networking of fablabs in Europe;
- comparative research on teaching new technologies in non-formal education in various European countries;
- strengthening international dimension of organisations participating in the project.