
Here you will find all current information about the project.

We were awarded in Selfie+ competition!

We are happy to announce that we were awarded in Selfie+ competition, organised by Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji - National Agency of the Erasmus+ Programme! The official announcement of the competition results took

Partners' online meetings

Although we still cannot meet face-to-face, we keep talking and discussing the project within our partnership. Regularly we meet online to discuss further steps within the project. And we really hope to be

Another article on EPALE platform

We invite you to read another article published by us on EPALE - Adult Learning in Europe platform. This time we focus on new technologies in cultural institutions, especially activities based on fablab

Extension of the project

Due to COVID-19 pandemic we have decided to extend our project by 10 months. Therefore the project will last until 31-08-2022. As our project intends to have many direct meetings between the partner