From 11-14 June 2022, we held our 5th Project Meeting in Warsaw, Poland.
The meeting was hosted by association who runs in Warsaw Fablab Warszawa powered by Orange.
The association was founded in September 2016. The name itself refers directly to the worldwide Maker movement (polish "robisz" – to make, create, produce). Its mission is to promote informal education in areas related to making, to introduce STEAM ideology to schools, to spread the idea of the maker movement and the idea of open technology, according to which everyone should have access to tools that enable learning and creating.
Partners not only had the opportunity to visit Fablab Warszawa powered by Orange itself, get to know its structure, spaces and activities, but also to take part in MAKER | nationwide meeting of creators on June 11th, which served as a project dissemination event.
Besides that the meeting was dedicated to the project management and to developing project guidelines. The discussions focused on presenting the outcomes of adult learners' questionnaires in the most usefull form and on Call for Action part of the publication.
We had also a chance to get a guided tour in School of Form at SWPS University in Warsaw - a unique program of study, which combines elements of design, humanities and social sciences and introduces an innovative education model in the form of open, interactive workshops in various studios (ceramics, computer, ironworks, robotics, screenprinting, woodworking etc.). Another place we have visited was Otwarty Jazdów, the community of the Warsaw settlement of wooden Finnish houses, offering a social, cultural and ecological public program.
The last project meeting will take place in Espoo, Filand on August 24-26 2022, hosted by Aalto Korkeakoulusaatio SR and Aalto FabLab.