From 27-29 April 2022, we held our 4th Project Meeting in Reykjavík, Iceland.
The meeting was hosted by Fab Lab Reykjavik and Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti (FB) school in Breiðholt district.
Fab Lab Reykjavík is part of Fab Lab Iceland and was opened on January 24, 2014. Fab Lab Reykjavík is a joint project of the City of Reykjavík, Fjölbrautarskólinn í Breiðholt and Nýsköpunarmiðstöð Íslands. It is located in Fjölbrautarskólinn school in Breiðholt and is part of Breiðholt's creative community. Through strong collaboration, Fab Lab Reykjavík has grown and now has four employees who support the creativity of the city's residents, develop innovative ideas and promote technological literacy. The goal of Fab Lab Reykjavík is to promote innovation in society. To achieve the goals, it focuses on fostering innovation in education, on supporting project and product development and on fostering new ideas among people at all levels of society. Fab Lab thus forms a fun and creative community for diverse groups of people.
Partners not only had the opportunity to visit Fab Lab Reykjavík itself, but several other places in the city dealing with new technologies in education, including a creative space in Technical College in Reykjavik, a Fab Lab at University of Iceland and Culture House and City Library Gerðuberg. This gave us the opportunity to meet with employees, learn about their offerings, and discuss learning strategies. Another important part of the meeting was a visit to Pure North Recycling, Icelandic company using geothermal energy to recycle plastics. Since Fab Labs often deal with recycling issues, it was a perfect opportunity to learn about Iceland's unique recycling idea.
A large part of the meeting was devoted to project management and developing project guidelines. The discussions focused on learning processes in Fab Labs, creating good learning conditions, recognizing the needs of adult learners, and planning an offer that is tailored to individual needs.
The next project meeting will take place in Warsaw, Poland on June 11-14 2022, hosted by association.