Coopérative Artefacts is a social economy structure, which welcomes and supports entrepreneurs whose projects fall under the sector of creative industries.
Founded in 2010, based in Orléans and Tours, with units in Nantes and Paris, Artefacts offers its cooperative members various working spaces (dance stage, theatre, hackerspace, training room, FabLab).

Situated in the La Source part of Orléans, Les Arteliers, is one of those spaces. Dedicated to the cultural and artistic expression, it is open to the members of the cooperative and to external creators. Artefacts’ FabLab occupies a part of Les Arteliers enabling creation and fabrication, as well as supporting learning and sharing between the different users. One of Artefacts unit is L'Atelier 216, a makerspace based in Tours. It provides participative and thematic workshops, open to everyone who wants to learn, as well as personal support - access and advice for building own projects.