Project results published!

We are happy to be able to share the publication and questionnaire that the project team developed for the project!

The publication "FABLABs - new technologies in adult education | Good practices from the European cooperation" offers a journey through various theories and practices of adult learning based on a FabLab concept.

This journey was possible thanks to the Erasmus+ project titled “FABLABs – new technologies in adult education” (a Strategic Partnership in Adult Education), which brought together FabLabs and similar structures from various European countries.

In the publication, you will read more about the FabLab concept itself, how FabLabs can be perceived as a learning environment, and about each partner organisation that forms the project consortium and the good practices from their work.

FABLABs - new technologies in adult education | Good practicesfrom the European cooperation
This publication was created within the “FABLABs – new technologies in adult education” project – Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership in Adult Education (project no. 2019-1-PL01-KA204-065154).This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.The European Commission’s support for th…

To support cooperation and shared practices between the project partners, an evaluation questionnaire was created to explore the profile of FabLab users (adult learners). Its purpose was to gain insight into FabLabs’ audience profile and to provide us with a deeper understanding of their needs.

Evaluation questionnaire form addressed to adult learners/FabLab users
This questionnaire aims to gather information about the FabLab user’s/learners’ profiles to improve their learning experience.The questionnaire was prepared within the “FABLABs – new technologies in adult education” project (Strategic Partnerships in Adult Education). The project is supported by th…

To download both papers and read about other project outcomes, please follow this link: