MEJKER gathering in Warsaw
We had the pleasure of hosting a meeting "MEJKER | ogólnopolskie spotkanie twórców!" (MAKER | nationwide meeting of creators) in Warsaw, Poland on 11th June 2022, as part of our 5th Transnational Project Meeting.
A goal of the meeting was to integrate and develop the Polish maker movement - FabLabs, makerspaces, hackerspaces, media labs and all individuals, organizations, and institutions that share the maker movement's approach. There were discussion panels, workshop sessions and an exhibition area. It was also an excellent platform for disseminating the results of the project and presenting the Erasmus+ Adult Education programme. The Polish Erasmus+ National Agency's officer conducted one of the working sessions.
The meeting was a great opportunity for integration, inspiration, and networking - the guests included representatives from FabLabs and creative organizations from Finland, Iceland, France, and Portugal, the partners of the Erasmus+ project "FABLABs - new technologies in adult education".