Fab Lab Reykjavík | Reykjavík, Iceland

Fab Lab Reykjavík is the creative hub for the city of Reykjavík. Here innovators, makers, artists and students share a space to create a better future. Fab Lab Reykjavík is the largest Fab Lab in Iceland, steaming with life and receives approx. 8500 visits a year.  Fab Lab Reykjavík has launched a number of educational projects in the field of innovation and is a powerful partner in a variety of innovation projects. Fab Lab Reykjavík is a fully equipped digital fabrication Fab Lab, but most importantly full of creative people. Fab Lab Reykjavík is a collaborative project of the City of Reykjavík, the Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti and the Icelandic Innovation Center. The goal of the partnership is to support the creativity of citizens, develop innovative ideas and enhance technical literacy.

In Iceland, there are eight Fab Lab workshops operating to increase knowledge of digital manufacturing methods to promote innovation in Iceland. Fab Lab also creates a platform for innovation and enhances the competitiveness of industrial companies, educational institutions and students.

Fab Lab (Fabrication Laboratory) is a digital workshop with tools to create (almost) anything. The Fab Lab gives individuals and businesses the opportunity to train their creativity and implement their ideas by designing, shaping and producing objects with the help of digital technology. Fab Lab forms a creative community of curious solution-focused makers at all levels of society.
